Manage All Your Bookmarks in One Place, Visually

How can we avoid information overload from incessant bookmark management across all our webpages and devices? These just continue to accumulate, often never getting their proper notice again.

There’s far too many clicks and wasted time. Yet none of us know any good solutions to replace this mess…until now. The creators of Tabjay have been building information management systems since 2005, so we see these problems everyday firsthand.

Now, you can keep all your bookmarks in a single, shareable place that’s accessible from anywhere. Think Pinterest for information, pinning webpages instead of images.

Replace Browser Bookmarks

  • No more managing cluttered bookmark bars and folders through Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other web browsers like Opera.
  • No complex migration required or exporting bookmarks.
  • No need to download and configure another bookmark manager.

Access Easily, Everywhere

  • Manage bookmarks from all devices like your Mac or PC, Android phone/iPhone, tablet, or from anything capable of running your web browser.
  • Our cloud-based tool seamlessly integrates with any browser, all without the overhead from downloading a mobile app.
  • No complex desktop software to install; manage from any web browser.

Stay Organized and Focused

  • Favorite interesting content without the need to delete old lists…our smart logic has them fade away from disuse.
  • Our search feature will find any content you save quickly without the need to sync, edit or sort. No longer worry about valuable content getting lost in the shuffle.
  • Organize by assigning Topics and Activities to quickly tag content within your digital workspace.

Stay Safe

Tabjay doesn’t host but simply curates information, so there’s no security risk; it remains external.

Collaborate With Teams Remotely

  • Bookmarks exist in a silo by default, not easy to share socially and only viewable by yourself.
  • Invite people to your workspace with different levels of access.
  • Simplify collaboration with fewer tools.

Sign up for free!

Try the best way to manage bookmarks and more, free!

All features available at no extra cost.

Get Tabjay for free today.